On a holiday now… Amidst all the relaxation and solace that I get here in Goa, something still lingers.
Definition of happiness?
What is exactly being happy? Can anyone decipher it?
Finding love? Loosing it, and realizing that you’ve found someone better? Choicest alcohol? Sumptuous food? Travel? Family bonding?
My minds dates back to the time I was in school and I used to ride this amazing bicycle of mine (which my watchman decide to rob, and take it to his ‘gav’). These were the days when I flaunted the brightest smile on my face and I used to call myself “Mr. Cool”. No worries, no care, no tensions…
Hahaha… Now that was years back… But things change I guess. College, competition, affair(S), lust, desires, work-life, vices (I dnt consider drinking n smoking a vice mind you!!) – the more the complexities – the more unhappy we tend to get.
An account of some HAPPY moments in my life…
I remember as a kid the happiest moment was when I received a video game!
When I grew up, it was winning a singing competition!
Then came the best phase of my life, when I feel in love with the most beautiful girl in the world!
Then it was the US trip opportunity!
Numerous Goa trips (which acts like a glucose shot!!! )!
Solo biking trips!
Troubleshooting my car and bikes!
Family dinners!
Guess the best things in life don’t last too long – so didn’t most of the things in the list above…
I met someone with the most radiant smile. He was from a restaurant that I visited for lunch. I didn’t ask him the secret of the smile. I bet the VLCC parlor which was within the vicinity wasn’t the reason. I will go back there and ask him the secret.
I read a book recently on happiness (which I took some six months to complete- psst. It wasn’t a car manual right! :) , here the author travelled various places to decipher the happiness code. But alas his world tour did not throw up very exciting, leading results.
Do you know what happiness is?
i can't define happiness or put my finger on what makes me happy either...all i know is that happiness finds me only when i'm not looking for it :)
You bet..............
What if one could decipher the code of happiness?
Cool nah!!!
It would be a baga feeling every single day of my lyf!!!!
but I sent a message to my closest friends on Christmas,
"When Santa asks you what you want, say Happiness, it includes everything"
Wish santa was true...
I remember seeing dad discreetly put my xmas gift in the tree and drop an empty beer bottle in the washroom bucket.
I knew it was not true, but I got back from Mass and all excited I said.... "Dadda, Mamma.... Look!!!"
Wish Santa is real for ya WD..
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